The Q&A section of your virtual event is composed of the frequently asked questions and your live talk details.
Frequently Asked Questions
In this section you can add any frequently asked questions you anticipate from your audience. These questions can be:
About your film
About the event itself
- Anticipated technical concerns
Here’s how to add FAQs:
Check the “Enable FAQs on this event” box
Click the “Add FAQ” button
Add your question and answer to the prompts
Click “Create”
Repeat for additional questions
Your FAQs will appear below then you can change in which the questions appear by entering new numbers in the 'Sort Order' boxes. You can delete FAQs with the trashcan 'Delete' icon.
Live Q&A
This is where you can promote a live component of your virtual event - a Q&A, panel discussion, live performance, etc.
You can host the live Q&A on whatever platform you’d like - Zoom, Google Hangouts, Facebook Live, BlueJeans, etc. All you’ll need to do is link your or your partner's account and add the URL for your live event using the instructions below.
Keep in mind that some of these platforms have fees for events with high attendance rates. You can ask your partner organization for the credentials to their platform accounts to use for the live Q&A.
For example, ask your partner if they have a Pro Zoom account as use their account for the event.
For more on putting on a live Q&A, read 'Zoom Best Practices for a Live Q&A'
Note: This doesn’t need to be a live event. You can link out to a recorded Q&A that you’ve uploaded to Vimeo, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.
How to add the Live Q&A:
Check the Enable Live Q&A for this event box
Add the below details:
Event Title: This is the title of your Live Q&A
Live Talk Date: This is the date and time for your Live component
Description: A description of your event
Event URL: This is the link the button will take viewers to
Customize Button Text: This is what the button will say